Sector-6, Gomtinagar Extension, Lko
Looking For Social Media MarketingSocial Media Ads?
Our clients require specialists. Our team leverages experience and gains exposure
We have permanently moved to a remote working environment from May 2019.
Our team members are spread across the world in India, Kenya, Vietnam & Russia.
Our day starts at 10 am and ends at 7 pm. We keep an eye for crisis on weekends.
Currently manages budgets across digital and marketplaces @ $150,000 per month
Partner to Facebook & Google teams with dedicated representatives
Includes creation of Static, Animated, Video, Motion Graphics for Posts, Stories, Reels, Banners, Emailers etc.
How many content pieces are you looking for every month? The pricing increases based of volume of creatives.
Addresses special requirements such as dedicated team, advanced reports, advanced engagement approaches etc.